
募资 ! 请支持我们的计划 We need your support

募资 ! 请支持我们的计划 We need your support

来临 12月28-29日【再·看见十八丁十周年环境与艺术行动成果展】
凡捐助 RM 200 即可获赠:
1. 限量版台湾高品质抗菌材质 T shirt
2. 看见十八丁十周年特辑1本
3. 看见十八丁故事旅行箱別册1份
4. 優先参与 #nisiap 染布体验工作坊 ( 28-29/12/2024成果展 )
We need your support!
With RM200 per person, you will support the 10th Anniversary Environment and Arts Initiative.
This fee will be used to fund the production of music, dance, and art performances for the art exhibition and the outcome of the event on 28-29 Dec 2024.
In return, you will receive:
– A limited edition Taiwan high quality anti-bacterial cloth T-shirt
– A copy of Storytelling Suitcase Handbook
– Look Port Weld 10th Anniversary Journal (mandarin version )
– Experience the #NiSiap Mangrove Natural dyeing workshop
我要支持一份!I would like to Support !


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