

“看见十八丁” 红树皮染涩体验流动车简介

本次提案的主要目标,是将红树林生态系统的丰富资源以及其工业潜力所产生的衍生活动,利用与整合。我们的核心价值是围绕着如何推广“红树皮自然染涩” 体验工作坊而展开。Ni  Siap目前已引起了广泛的兴趣,并激发我们建立流动工作坊的设想,好让我们能够更灵活、更具互动性地进入各种环境。



“无处不在的艺术” 设计团队:

UBIQARTS设计事务所成立于2017年。创办人为李景华(Angus Lee),谢宇宁(Leon Cheah) 与 符策刚(CK Foo),具备多年建筑空间与产品设计的实务与研发经验,项目从规划设计,工业、住宅、商业家具、流动卡车及产品。 设计无处不在,应该充满乐趣、互动性和吸引力;将移动性与包容性的概念融入设计一直是我们关注的。 UBIQARTS的名字源自“Ubiquitous”一词,寓意“无处不在的艺术”。世间事物是不同

元素的组合,设计即是解码这些元素,将其转化为实用同时适应不同的场景和需求。我们的团队通过跨领域的合作,探索与实验,为各类项目寻找最佳设计方案。 作为一家中小型设计事务所,每个项目都由设计师亲自操刀,从构思、设计、细节至管理。每个设计方案都为客户量身定制,提供针对性的解决方案。 我们希望通过紧密合作和专业咨询,在不同环境和社会的限制下,开发出卓越且符合客户要求的设计与项目。

Look Port Weld @ Ni Siap Mobile Workshop Cart Launching 

The primary goal of this proposal is to harness and encapsulate the secondary activities emerging from the resource-rich mangrove ecosystem and its industrial potential.

As previously discussed, our endeavour centres around the promotion of the ‘Ni Siap’ technique, which has garnered substantial interest. This interest has spurred our vision for a mobile workshop, enabling us to engage with various environments more flexibly and interactively.

Our team from a conventional ad-hoc booth setup leads us to introduce a fully integrated unit designed to seamlessly deploy workbenches and merchandise display shelves. Equipped with built-in castors, this unit possesses the agility to reposition itself effortlessly. The design and functionality of this unit draw direct inspiration from the ‘Ni Siap’ workshop routines, culminating in the creation of a mobile workshop.

In terms of construction materials, we propose the use of durable stainless steel and lightweight aluminium, complemented by a blend of other materials. The finishing of this unit is meticulously designed to withstand the challenging tropical outdoor climate while ensuring easy maintenance. Furthermore, weight reduction measures have been integrated to facilitate the unit’s ease of transportation

UBIQARTS introduction


Ubiq means ubiquitous, everywhere and

Qart = Cart as a medium to engage with the public.

Ubiqarts Solutions is a design company founded in 2017. We believe that design is ubiquitous and should be fun, interactive, and intriguing. We are passionate about infusing mobility and technology into spaces and products to creating meaningful designs.


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