In 2023, Look Port Weld hold a Ni Siap Workshop every month and have a great responses from the tourists,students,etc.
2024 marks the 10th anniversary of “Look Port Weld”. We wish to group a volunteer team, to allow more locals from Port Weld to participate. We can work together to explore and promote the unique features of Port Weld Ni Siap, while also enhancing the innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities of Locals(youth and women).
If you are interested, welcome to join our first training program.
【日期 Date】2024.7.7(星期日 Sunday)
【时间 Time】10 am-12 pm(2个小时 2 hours)
【对象 target Audience 】十八丁青少年、妇女、妈妈 (人数10-15人)Youth and Women from Port Weld (10-15 person)
【地点 Venue】My Charcoal Factory 三井村炭窑区
【Ni Siap 指导导师 Tutor】吴恬盈(看见十八丁秘书)